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  • Writer's pictureJim Partridge

It's Not Revival But...

Last September we, at The King’s Church Mid-Sussex, had 21 days of prayer. We did a number of things during those three weeks but one idea that we tried – a mid-week prayer meeting - has become a regular part of church life.

I hadn’t anticipated, at that time, that we would continue beyond the 21 days of prayer but we have now gathered for an hour every Wednesday at 8.00pm for over 6 months. We sit in a circle - there’s no ‘front’ in that sense - we are all in it together. Each week there is a crowd of people – normally 40-50 of us - who come together with one simple aim; to seek God.

Dan leading worship at one of our Wednesday evening prayer meetings
Wednesday evening prayer meeting

We don’t have queues waiting for the doors to open at 7.45pm. Our prayers are very human and very ordinary. We always

worship - sometimes passionately, sometimes quietly. Sometimes we have an idea of what we may pray for, but often we are just following the leading of the Holy Spirit. I often lead our times together in neon red trainers, and an equally neon red face as I have come straight from 5-aside football. It’s not revival but….. it is so, so precious.

We’ve sensed God with us. We’re learning again to wait in God’s presence. And in it all I think we’re learning afresh what it means to abide in Christ.

When we were deep in lockdown in 2020 we, as a team, talked about how we may regather as a church when we were allowed to and we discussed whether prayer would play a more central part in church life. Without even realising it – that is exactly what has happened.

I’m so grateful. God is so kind. And so, we are going to keep on going through the summer term – maybe you’ve never been, maybe you’ve attended every week – whatever your experience, let me encourage to come along.

We’ll be there each Wednesday at 8pm.

Written by Jim Partridge, Senior Pastor of The King's Church Mid-Sussex



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