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Every week there is a group gathering to pray at the King's Centre

Men's prayer

For, at least, the last fifteen years a group of guys have gathered every other week at 7.30am, to pray for an hour. Normally, there are 20-30 of us and we pray for one another for the church and for the world. It's also a great time to connect with one another and build relationships in the church.

Ladies prayer

On the alternate Saturday at 8am, women gather for an hour to encourage each other of their hope in God, to pray for one another and those that they know that need God’s help. We pray for the church and for the world around us, that God’s kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven.  Most of us have a cuppa going whilst we pray! You would be so very welcome to join us. 

To find out more

You check which Saturday the groups are meeting on our calendar or find out more at 

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