A God Given Vision
Jim Partridge
23rd April 2023
The first message in our new series from Nehemiah. Nehemiah receives a report of life back in Jerusalem and his heart is moved to weep, pray and fast. His heart was moved for the glory of God and the people of God. How do we carry a vision for the same things today, in the world and in the church?
New Ground Sunday
Jim Partridge
11th June 2023
We love being a part of the New Ground family of churches. For New Ground Sunday, we join together with churches across nations and continents to hear stories and encouragement from around New Ground. This year, our very own Jim Partridge shares an encouraging message from 2 Corinthians 8:1-7.
One-Off Message:
Creation Care
One-Off Message:
Pentecost Sunday
One-Off Message:
Turning Doubt To Worship
Easter at King's
A Life Less Ordinary
The Wise & Foolish Builders
Kevin Payne
26th March 2023
In this final part of our Life Less Ordinary series, Kevin Payne unpacks Jesus’ challenging story of the wise and foolish builders. Are we taking Jesus’ teaching seriously and building our lives on the rock? Or are we only listening to his words and not doing them - and building our lives on the sand?
False Prophets, True Disciples
Jim Partridge
19th March 2023
We draw towards the end of our series from The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus wants us to respond to all that he has been saying. And he warns us about false teachers and says "be careful!" He then calls us to fully live lives of obedience to the Father in heaven.
Treasures In Heaven
Jim Partridge
12th February 2023
In our latest message from the Sermon On The Mount, Jesus encourages us to live life with a long-term view. Are we making choices today that impact eternity or are we just living for the here and now?
If you're a part of the King's Church Mid-Sussex family and you'd like a pledge form as mentioned by Jim, you can find it at tkc.org.uk/pledge
The Beatitudes Pt1
Jim Partridge
25th September 2022
Our new series begins. We look at four of Jesus' radical opening statements - known as The Beatitudes. Jesus tells us what true happiness looks like and it is to be found in those who mourn, who are meek, who are poor in Spirit and who hunger for righteousness. What did he mean?